25th Anniversary – A Tenant’s View
Later this week, the Association will celebrate 25 years of becoming Abertay Housing Association. To mark the occasion, some of our longstanding tenants have kindly shared their memories of being an AHA tenant during this period.
In the run up to our actual anniversary on Thursday 27th October, we will feature a tenant story each day.
Today, Mrs O’Donnell from Dryburgh shares her memories with us…
Mrs O’Donnell (Bertha), has lived in Dryburgh Gardens for over 32 years. Bertha recalled the days when there were 2 wardens based on site for the retirement properties and the daily check-ins with the warden via the wall mounted call box in each retirement property. Bertha has witnessed many changes over the years of being a tenant with Scottish Homes and then through to the transition to current day with Abertay Housing Association.
Bertha recalled the days prior to the retirement complex (which now sits at the entrance to Dryburgh Gardens, officially opened October 1992), were ‘huts’ in the centre of the estate. They would meet in the huts for their regular tenant meetings. Dryburgh was a busy complex over the years with many social events. Bertha and friends from Dryburgh formed their own entertainment group and they could often be seen locally entertaining the ‘older folk’, encompassing many different themes, Bertha spoke so fondly remembering these happy times.
Speaking to Bertha it was clear to see these were very fond memories of good times, in Bertha’s own words ‘’a big happy family’’.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories of your time as a long standing tenant with the Association!