Retirement Housing
Applying for a Retirement Housing Property

What is Retirement Housing?
Retirement housing is suitable for people over the age of 60 years or those granted medical priority for this type of property.
Our aim is for you to live as full and as independent a life in a safe and secure environment.
Our retirement housing properties are citywide, located in Gordon Street, Fintry Mains, Caldrum Street, Rosebank, Patons Lane and Dryburgh Gardens. Please click on the map for addresses and contact numbers.
Being a retirement housing tenant doesn’t mean that you have to give up your independence. You still have your own house, and can come and go as you wish.
At all our retirement housing complexes, tenants have the right to choose how much they want to become involved in the social activities on offer at our retirement complex lounges.
Our Retirement Housing handbook is available here and the Dryburgh Gardens Resident’s Handbook is available here.
How to apply
The Association is a member of the Dundee Common Housing Register, administered on our behalf by Dundee City Council. The application form for retirement housing is exactly the same form as for mainstream housing. You may choose to be considered for both types of housing if you wish. Please remember to tick the appropriate boxes on the application form. The housing application form can be downloaded here.
They have tea and toast mornings, bingo, lunch clubs, party nights, coach trips and gentle exercise classes. So, there is always something going on that may be of interest to you, and our Retirement Housing Co-ordinators are always happy to discuss other suggestions for events.
Our comprehensive Retirement Housing handbook is available here and gives more details of what is on offer living in our retirement accommodation.
Should you require any assistance with completing the application form, we would be happy to help.
If you are considering moving to retirement housing and would like to know more about things, please contact our Customer Service Team on 01382 903545 and we will be happy to discuss it with you in more detail.