Property Factors Act 2011

The Property Factors (Scotland) Act sets out a statutory framework to protect homeowners who receive services from residential property factors and land managers in Scotland. Abertay provides such services to owners.
It introduces a statutory register for all property factors (including land maintenance companies). Abertay is registered as a property factor, number PF000206. The register is available here.
A Code of Conduct was also introduced, which sets out minimum standards for all registered factors. As part of this Code, all owners were sent a personalised Statement of Factoring Services with their bill in May 2021. New owners since then are sent a copy when we are informed of changes in ownership. The final page of the Statement of Factoring Services you were sent contains details specific to your property. If you need another copy of it, please contact our Factoring Officer, Donna, on 01382 513823.
There is also a dispute resolution mechanism where homeowners can take complaints about factors to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber). If you want to make a complaint, you should first use Abertay’s complaints system. If, after exhausting Abertay’s complaints process, you are not satisfied, you can raise the issue with the Housing Property Chamber.