Estate Walkabouts

Do you have any problems with your Estate? Estate Walkabouts give residents the chance to work alongside Housing and Maintenance Officers to highlight issues in the local area.
Residents and officers walk the estate together, looking out for anything that make the estate look untidy/unsafe and make a note of it. An action plan will then be created by residents and officers, determining what actions need to taken to solve the problems, a timescale for the actions and more.
Why not come along and join us on the Estate Walkabout for your area and have a say in how you would like your area improved? If you are unable to come along on the day, don’t worry you can still be involved by contacting us on (01382) 903545 or email us at – you can highlight any improvements you think would enhance your estate and have an influence in any decisions we make.
For details of the dates and times for your area, click on this link.
We look forward to seeing you there!