Published: 22/09/22

Abertay Housing Association held its twenty sixth AGM on Wednesday 21 September 2022 in our Dryburgh Gardens Common Room.

We were delighted that so many of our Share Members were able to join us whether in person or on line.

An excellent buffet was provided, including 25th anniversary cup cakes, celebrating in advance of the actual anniversary next month.

The formal business of the AGM was conducted.

We said goodbye to Andrew Black, who has decided to leave the Board as his term came to an end, and welcomed two new Board Members, Kevin Braidwood and Darren Keddie.

Kath Mands had completed her current term of five years as Chair, and has therefore stood down from that role. She does, however remain as a Board Member.

At the Board meeting following the AGM, Ron Neave was elected as Chair, and Kath Mands as Vice Chair.

As a thank you to those members who attended the AGM, and are not on our Board, we carried out a Prize Draw and the lucky winners have received a £50 gift card for a store of their choosing.

We still have vacancies for Board Members, so if you are interested in becoming a Member, or would like to come along to our Board Meetings as an observer, then please contact our Chief Executive, Barry Moore, on 01382 903545.

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