Congratulations to Alexander Decorators Ltd
It was great news that team Alexander won the Developing the Young Workforce champion award. Abertay are proud to be associated with a Dundee company who gives so much to the local community.
Alexander Decorators have been working with schools since 2006, providing kids with work experience before they go out into the big bad world. However, this commitment has received even more focus in 2019 with the opening of the Alexander Decorators Training Academy and John and his team are now taking 40/50 kids a year from school to give them the opportunity to try their hand at Painting and Decorating.
As well as working with the Helm, Rathbone, Discovery Opportunity, to name but a few, they have set up a meeting with Dundee College who have enquired about a partnership with the Academy and a 4 year contract with St Andrews University has also been set up. John is also in talks with Dundee City Council, so big things lie ahead for team Alexander.
The Training Academy is a not for profit organisation that will be delivering training for young people, helping people back to work, but also running mind set and goal mapping courses too. John is also keen for Abertay tenants to get in touch, as they would be willing to run courses for tenants on paint systems and how to paper a feature wall or room etc.
Alexander Decorators are all about preserving the future of the Painting and Decorating Industry and they are taking on 4 apprentices this year (3 painters and 1 motor mechanic within the chop shop company that is also part of the Alexander Decorators group). They are also running a community project for the SafeZone bus, which is a local charity that has a team of helpers out at any big event in Dundee, to take the strain off the police and ambulance service. John told us that Safezone had to take a bus off the road at the start of the year and although they managed to replace it with a second hand one, they couldn’t afford the fit out. As a result team Alexander along with Froggy’s chop shops stepped in and are doing the fit out for free.
Well done team Alexander.