Housing Allocations Policy Review 2021
Since the Housing Allocations Policy was last reviewed in 2016 there have been several significant changes in legislation and guidance in relation to how social rented housing is allocated.
As a result of this, Dundee City Council and its Common Housing Register partners, including Abertay, Caledonia & Hillcrest registered social landlords, are reviewing and updating the Housing Allocation Policy. The main aim of the policy is to accurately assess housing need so that we can let vacant properties to those with the greatest assessed need, in line current legislation and guidance.
As part of the review we are consulting widely with individuals, community groups, residents, tenant organisations, Registered Social Landlords, our staff and other key stakeholders. The aim is to ensure that the policy is open, transparent, fair and easy to understand.
We welcome your input and would like to invite you to review the information on this page and complete a short survey as part of the consultation on how the policy may need to be amended.
For more information and to find out how you can get involved, please visit:
Please click the link to take the survey: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HAP-2021
Alternatively, for supply of a hard copy or different format of any documents, contact Mark Cooper @ mark.cooper@dundeecity.gov.uk or on 01382 307330.