Blake Stevenson, a social research organisation based in Edinburgh is currently undertaking two pieces of research in which you may be interested in taking part.
The first is about public libraries in Scotland. They are looking to organise telephone interviews with members of the public who do not regularly use libraries. They would like to find out why they don’t go to the library very often (or at all) and if there is anything libraries could offer to encourage them to visit more. For further information click here.
The second is a research project about the benefits system in Scotland, which they are delivering on behalf of the Scottish Government. They are looking for:
- Care-experienced people
- Kinship / foster carers and adoptive parents
- Single parents
- Young parents under the age of 19
to take part in a short telephone/online interview about their experiences of the benefits system. For further information click here.
Participants in both pieces of research will be given a £10 voucher as a thank you for taking part.