Restarting Retirement Housing Services

Published: 18/08/20

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Scottish Government’s lockdown policy, various aspects of our retirement housing services were put on hold such as the use of communal areas and use of laundries.

Now that lockdown restrictions are easing we are pleased to confirm the following resumption of a limited service to the following complexes:

Patons Lane
Fintry Mains
Caldrum Street
Gordon Street

The above complexes can now use the laundry facilities (by rota) and have access to the Communal Lounge – restrictions apply so please speak to your Retirement Housing Coordinator (RHC).  Opening hours / days from Monday 3 August 2020 are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30 – 1.30pm.  No events or social activities can be held at present.  However this will be reviewed on 14 September 2020.  If in doubt please speak to your RHC.

Dryburgh Gardens – Residents have been able to use laundry facilities continuously during lockdown as they are located outwith the complex.  The opening hours / days for Dryburgh Gardens from  Monday 17 August 2020 are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30 – 1.30pm with access to the Communal Lounge (restrictions apply).  No events or social activities can be held at present.  However this will be reviewed on 14 September 2020.  If in doubt please speak to your RHC.

Dura Street – A laundry service is to continue to be provided and a new RHC post is being advertised.  In the meantime  Retirement residents can use the facilities at other nearby complexes at the times listed above.  Please speak to Fiona (01382 903545) if you have any queries.

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