
Remember, electricity can be dangerous, to help you use your electric appliances safely you should never:

  • Overload electric sockets
  • Run flexes under or over carpets or rugs
  • Use damaged or broken flexes or staple a flex to a wall
  • Take electrical appliances into the bathroom
  • Place heaters, heated towel rails or mirror lights above a bath or near a shower

You should:

  • Always have any work carried out by a qualified electrician and remember you must get Abertay’s written permission before carrying out any work
  • Use adaptors as little as possible
  • Use light fittings only for lighting
  • Use power breakers if you are using an electrical appliance outside, for example, a mower
  • Report damaged sockets

The Association is reliant on the co-operation of its tenants to ensure it is compliant with Government regulations in relation to the 5 year frequency for electrical safety checks which will help to ensure that our housing stock is safe and complies with all relevant regulations. This mandatory visit every 5 years requires that tenants allow us access for between 2 and 4 hours so that we can check and ensure that installations for the supply of electricity and electrical fittings, including switches, sockets and light fittings are safe to use.

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