Home Security

From time to time Abertay staff and contractors will need access to your home, however, it is important that you ask to see their identification before you let them in. The representative should also explain clearly who they are and why they are there.
Don’t be afraid to take time to check their identification properly and to make a phone call to Abertay if you are not sure – we will not take offence.

Remember to close your windows and lock doors when you go out. Never leave a key in a secret hiding place, for example, under a mat and don’t leave a note on the door saying that you are out. You may also consider leaving a light on when you go out at night.

If you go away you should remember to cancel newspapers and milk. Royal Mail can provide a service to hold your mail until you return for a nominal fee. You may want to leave a key with a friend.

Dundee Community Safety Partnership have produced a leaflet with advice on how to keep yourself and your neighbours safe from scams, bogus callers and sneak in thefts.

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